Case Study Impact Testimonial Film
Ayesha Weston Headteacher from Caldew Lea Primary School was appointed as headteacher in 2019 by the Cumbria Education Trust. The school, a one form entry primary school set in an area of deprivation in West Carlisle, went into special measures in 2018. Parents found it difficult to provide support (despite the will being there to do so).
Key Points:
“As a school, we could not survive without Developing Experts. It has raised the aspirations for parents, pupils, and teachers. All teachers have a level playing field. Monitoring the quality of teaching, learning and assessment has enabled teachers to be confident and secure in their own judgments of what great science looks like.
It has really sharpened teachers’ understanding and ability to question what they want children to get out of science. It’s stimulated questions and ideas for all staff. It’s such an easy programme to deliver. It’s led to a greater level of creativity and use of investigations in science, which were not present before. It’s brought science to life for children.”